Lung disease
A selection of insight articles on the topic of lung disease biomarkers:
[Jan 2022 Update] This scientific literature overview demonstrates the excellent performance of the fully automated nucleocapsid protein antigen assay Lumipulse® G SARS-CoV-2 Ag
Lumipulse G SARS-CoV-2 Ag was the first high-sensitive nucleocapsid protein antigen assay launched on a fully automated chemiluminescent platform.
Webinar: Lumipulse® G KL-6, the biomarker for routinely assessment of epithelial alveolar damage in pulmonary fibrosis and COVID-19
During this webinar Dr. Francesco Bonella (MD - Center for Interstitial & Rare Lung Disease, Department of Pulmonology, Ruhrlandklinik University...
Japanese authorities have chosen Lumipulse® for nasopharyngeal or saliva-based SARS-CoV-2 antigen testing of passengers at their main international airports
Several fully automated and CLEIA-based LUMIPULSE G1200 systems from Fujirebio are right now performing fast, high sensitivity SARS CoV-2 antigen...
Can KL-6 be a specific marker of alveolar damage for COVID-19 patients?
There are many reference centers across Europe that have included KL-6 as one of the biomarkers within the COVID-19 protocol to strengthen the battery...
From Classification to disease activity
While IPF is the classic fibrosing ILD, clinical data suggest that there is a larger group of patients with differing clinical ILD diagnoses who...
KL-6 in disease prognosis
Recent research has shown that serum and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid level of KL-6 has an important value in the diagnosis, treatment assessment and...
Use of serum biomarkers in progressive fibrosing ILDs
Based on the results from a number of reports investigating KL-6/MUC1, the serum levels of KL-6/MUC1 are useful for 1) detecting the presence of...
ILD diagnosis – current professional practice
Accurate diagnosis of IPF is critical, as other forms of ILD that have similar clinical presentations to IPF require different treatment strategies.
KL-6 in Lung Diseases: Current classification of interstitial lung diseases
Interstitial lung diseases (ILDs) represent a large, heterogeneous group of more than 200 different entities, most of which are classified as rare...
Mesothelin, the novel, non-invasive in vitro biomarker to aid in the diagnosis of Mesothelioma
Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that is linked to exposure to asbestos. Although malignant mesothelioma remains a relatively uncommon malignancy...