Updated anal cancer screening guidelines now provide a basis for expansion of screening to all at-risk populations
Screening guidelines for anal cancer prevention have traditionally focused on people with HIV, and focus on the detection of high-grade squamous...
EUROGIN 2024 – key takeaway messages
The annual EUROGIN conference covers a dense scientific program on the topic of Human papillomavirus (HPV) and its associated cancers, always with a...
Scientific poster – Inter- and intra-laboratory reproducibility of the AmpFire® HPV Screening 16/18/HR assay
This poster summarizes the investigation of the reproducibility (within a laboratory and between laboratories) of the AmpFire HPV Screening 16/18/HR...
Publication - Serum and cerebrospinal fluid neurofilament light chains measured by SIMOA™, Ella™, and Lumipulse™ in multiple sclerosis naïve patients
We would like to draw your attention to a first publication on our Lumipulse® G NfL solution. In this article you will find a method comparison of CSF...
CTAD 2023 – Spotlight on recent advances in blood-based biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease
Both fluid and imaging biomarkers provide biological evidence for the underlying etiology of cognitive impairment. The core fluid biomarkers of...
A risk-based approach for post-treatment detection of recurrent CIN
This article describes how HPV genotyping and DNA methylation analysis can help discriminate women in need of re-treatment from those who can be...
Video: DNA methylation and improved detection of cervical pre-cancers in screening, diagnosis and post-treatment management
In this short video you will find out how DNA methylation plays a crucial role in cancer development. And how the PreCursor-M+ assay, measuring the...
Better care for pregnant women diagnosed with precancerous cervical lesions
Cervical cancer is the most common malignancy of the female reproductive tract during pregnancy occurring in 1 to 10 per 10 000 pregnancies with an...
IVDR status update for Fujirebio’s Neuro products
The European CE-marking is used to support registrations of in vitro diagnostic (IVD) medical devices in many jurisdictions around the world. The...