The Fujirebio Neuro Center of ExcellenceTM has been founded with the objective of rising to this challenge.
It is a research and development hub focused on developing diagnostic solutions to these debilitating diseases. It is intended as a knowledge-sharing meeting point between Fujirebio’s expert teams in Europe, Japan and USA, and neuro professionals worldwide.
But more than this, it is a catalyst for collaborations and partnerships with a broad range of stakeholders, including routine laboratories, CDMOs, pharma companies, clinicians, researchers and academia.
Above all, it is a ray of hope for patients, families and caregivers.
Video: A day at the Fujirebio Neuro Center of Excellence
But why Fujirebio and why now?
Through its acquisition of Innogenetics, Fujirebio has an unrivalled heritage as a pioneer in the field of Alzheimer’s research, and today laboratories all around the world depend on its ground-breaking biomarkers and automated testing systems.
With the acquisition of neurodegenerative disease biomarker pioneers ADx NeuroSciences in 2022, Fujirebio combines an additional and unique know-how and biomarker portfolio with both its own solid experience in bringing high quality IVD products to the market and its strategic CDMO partnerships that make unique testing solutions available to the entire diagnostics industry.
Key milestones in the company’s involvement with Alzheimer’s include:
- the launch in 1995 of the world’s first commercialized biomarker for early detection of the plaques associated with Alzheimer’s on the INNOTEST® platform
- the launch in 2005 of plasma-based biomarkers on the INNO-BIA platform
- the ability to perform, in 2018 and for the first time ever, the four most important neurodegeneration parameters on a single fully automated CLEIA platform (LUMIPULSE® G)
- the availability, in 2022, of the plasma assays pTau 181, β-Amyloid 1-42 and β-Amyloid 1-40 on the LUMIPULSE G platform
- and most recently, the approval by the FDA of our Lumipulse G β-Amyloid Ratio (1-42/1-40) test, as the first ever, for marketing as an IVD test for early detection of amyloid plaques associated with Alzheimer’s disease in the USA.

The desire to tackle neurodegenerative diseases runs deep throughout our team.
The profound historical knowledge of the disease that is rooted in Fujirebio supports our progress in delivering promising new testing techniques, such as plasma-based diagnostics tests for Alzheimer’s disease.
The center builds on a culture of insatiable curiosity that has made Fujirebio a world leader in neurodegenerative disease diagnostics and a pioneering developer of a wide range of IVD testing solutions.
Its doors are open to all participants in the race to find the next generation of diagnostics and therapeutics. This is a center for partnership and collaboration, a place for research, development and manufacture, a meeting place for brilliant minds and a starting point for great ideas.
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We encourage partnerships dedicated to advancing neurodegeneration diagnostics.