Lumipulse® G HBcAb-N
Detection of IgG to HBcAg (anti-HBc IgG) by a recombinant HBcAg and anti-human IgG monoclonal.
The assay utilises proven CLEIA (ChemiLuminescent Enzyme Immunoassay) technology with results that are available in up to 35 minutes.
- Calibration traceable to WHO IS anti-Hepatitis B core antigen NIBSC code: 95/522
- IgG level reported in cutoff index (C.O.I), equivalent to IU/mL up to 100 C.O.I.
- Automated and fast time-to-results
- Simple pre-analytics, no amplification by polymerase chain reaction (vs DNA, RNA)
- Combined use with HBcrAg avoids any non-informative window during chronic HBV infection
- Reliable non-invasive surrogates for the assessment of an intrahepatic HBV cccDNA (covalently closed circular DNA) reservoir and activity
For research use only
Lumipulse® G HBcAb-N Immunoreaction Cartridges
Product number 295601
3 x 14 tests
Lumipulse® G HBcAb-N Calibrators
Product number 295618
1 x 3 levels
Please contact your local Fujirebio representative for the availability of this product in your country.